Summer Camp EnROLLMENT Payment
1 child $75 a week (total amount due $525)
2 children $125 a week (total amount due $875)
3-5 children $150 a week (total amount due $1,050)
If you pay the camp off in full prior to camp starting you can still receive financial incentive offered
If you choose to make weekly payments, 2 weeks of payment is due by Sunday June 11th
All payment will be due on Friday's before following week
Friday 23rd
Friday 30th
Friday July 7th
Friday July 14th
Friday July 21st
To pay for enrollment in installments payments contact Da'Marrion or Cherena for options:
Da'Marrion Fleming (502)-930-3478
Cherena Fox (502)-644-0112
You may pay in advance or in full amount at any moment throughout the summer
If you're not using a card with your name on it please inform us before the payment is made so that we can properly update records